
Fairmead School

Making memories


Statement of Intent: Physical Education

We believe that PE has the potential to impact very positively on the future health, well-being and happiness of all of our students. Therefore, underpinning our PE curriculum is a fundamental agreement that:

  • Our young people must be provided with the tools and understanding to maintain healthy lifestyles, understanding the importance of looking after their mental and physical health.
  • Students must be introduced to and participate in a range of sporting activities, including competitive sports, in order to build:
    • a love of sports;
    • greater coordination and enhanced motor skills
    • a competitive instinct coupled with a fair attitude;
    • the resilience to take turns and to accept defeat;
    • the ability to work cooperatively with team mates;
    • the ability to communicate clearly and dynamically in active situations.
  • On leaving us, our students will be equipped with enough experience in a range of different sports that they know their strengths and preferences and are prepared and able to pursue a sporting hobby in the wider community.


We aim to ensure that all students are inspired and motivated through an inclusive, enjoyable and progressive curriculum that builds from the early engaging multi-skills sessions that promote exercise for enjoyment and the development of core skills to the sports-specific skills and strategy-based programmes of KS4.  2 hours of weekly curriculum time are committed to PE across the school.  The model below shows the stages through which our students will progress during their time with us:


It is essential to note that, within our inclusive curriculum, students’ provision is tailored to their stage of development; whilst activities are always age appropriate, they will be matched to need and will target aspects of EHCPs spanning not only Physical need, but also Communication and Interaction, Social, Emotional and Wellbeing and Self-help and Independence.


As well as accessing weekly lessons, we actively encourage students to take part in sporting activities during break and lunchtimes.  Staff initiate and engage in games and exercise based activities and give access to bicycles and scooters that can be used on our Fun Track.  As well as promoting healthy lifestyles, engagement in sports is also a great vessel for our young people to develop their communication skills and build friendships. 


We also strive to promote the importance of Physical Education and exercise through whole school participation in activity days and challenges such as the Sainsbury’s Bronze Award, and running a marathon in teams. Strong partnerships with Yeovil Town Football Club and Somerset Cricket have also brought added impetus to our drive to promote healthy lifestyles and a love of sport.


The school has a strong, active history of engagement in wider community competition including cross country, football tournaments and athletics and have won awards for participation as a special school.  This reflects our firm commitment to inclusion that ensures that our students’ difficulties and disabilities do not present barriers to accessing the experiences from which their mainstream peers benefit.

If you would like to take part in some of our "lock down" fitness programmes developed by our new specialist PE LSA, Mr Laver, please do click on one the links below and have a go!


Primary PE video 1 -

Primary PE video 2 –

Secondary PE video 1 –

Secondary PE video 2 –

Secondary PE video 3 –

Secondary PE video 4  –

Secondary PE video 5  –





