
Fairmead School

Making memories


Why does attendance matter?

Research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and achievement in school.  Poor attendance can have a direct effect on a pupil’s attainment.

For example, 90% attendance might sound quite acceptable but what it really means in reality is…….

  • On average half a day’s school missed every week.  (Would an employer think this is an acceptable rate of attendance?)
  • This would also mean in one year 4 whole weeks of schooling is missed.
  • In 5 years it would mean half of a school year missed


All members of staff in our schools understand how important attendance is and encourage a positive ethos regarding attendance for all pupils.


Attendance is monitored regularly with any unexplained absence being investigated by contact with home to ascertain the reason for absence.  If contact cannot be made the absence will be recorded as UNAUTHORISED.


It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of any absence.


The school contact for attendance matters is:

Name: Tracy Felstead

Tel. No: 01935 421295




Major issues affecting school attendance

Term Time Leave

Pupils who are taken out of school during term time may find it hard to catch up and this can have a detrimental effect on their learning.

The law states that parents do not have the right to take their children out of school for

holidays during term time.

Any request for Term Time Leave must be made in writing to the Head Teacher in advance.      Requests will not usually be granted.  The Head Teacher will only authorise term time leave in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances according to DfE guidelines.  It is not the school’s responsibility to issue work during term time leave as your child should be attending school.

Any unauthorised absence, including term time leave not agreed with the school, could result in a Warning Penalty Notice being issued to each parent for every child affected.



We would not expect any parent to send their child to school if they were genuinely unwell.  However, if your child is going to be absent for 5 consecutive days we would request medical    evidence to support the absence. Schools may request medical evidence sooner than this if a child’s attendance is poor.

If your child is feeling ‘under the weather’ it is usually best to bring them into school.  We will contact you if a child becomes too unwell to

remain in school.


Warning Penalty Notices

In school, one day = 2 sessions.  Pupils who have 10 unauthorised sessions of absence (5 days) within 12 weeks of school may be issued a Warning Penalty Notice or a Penalty Fine.  The notice means that attendance is monitored especially carefully and any further absence could then result in a Penalty Fine of £60 per child, per parent being imposed.


A parent who takes their child out of school during term time after the Head Teacher has refused to authorise term time leave could also receive a Penalty Notice or a Penalty Fine.


Fairmead School has its own attendance policy displayed on it’s website which provides details of how all the attendance procedures are managed.


How much is a Penalty Notice?

£60 per parent per child if payment is made within 21 days

£120 per parent per child if paid after this but within 28 days


What happens if I get a Penalty  Notice and I don’t pay?

You have up to 28 days from receipt to pay the Penalty Notice in full.  If full payment is not received within this time the local authority is required under the Act to commence proceedings in the Magistrates Court for the original offence of unauthorised absence by your child.  If proven, this can result in fines of up to £1,000 and/or a range of disposals such as Parenting Orders or Community Sentences.  If found guilty the parent will have a criminal record.

