Making memories
Year 11 outcomes: 10 students 2021-22
GCSE Grades
English 2 students entered both achieved Grade 2
Maths 2 students entered; one achieved Grade 2 the other achieved Grade 5
Science 2 pupils entered one achieved 2-2; the other achieved 4-3
Functional skills and OCR
Students who sat functional skills examinations also achieved OCR awards at Entry levels.
Functional Skills
English – 1 student achieved Entry Level 3, 5 students achieved Entry Level 2, 3 students achieved Entry Level 1
Maths – 4 students achieved Entry Level 3, 2 students achieved Entry Level 2, and 2 students achieved Entry Level 1
ICT – 6 students achieved Entry Level 3, 4 students achieved Entry Level 2
Science – 8 students achieved OCR Science Grade 1, 1 student achieved OCR Science Grade 2, and 1 student achieved OCR Science Grade 3
Students at Fairmead School have progressed to a range of onward provision including Further Education providers, Specialist Independent Colleges, Apprenticeships and Volunteering opportunities as they take their steps towards independence beyond school. Students discuss and plan next steps with their teachers through lessons and tutorials and through meeting our independent careers advisor. Options are discussed with students and their families with future placements feeding into the Annual Review process. Student and families preferences are then shared with the Local Authority who make the final decision on placement.