
Fairmead School

Making memories

School Uniform

Dear parents and carers

We are now two thirds of the way through our school year and I would like to take the opportunity to remind you to send your young person to school wearing the correct school uniform.

School uniform is an important part of our school’s identity; it reinforces who we are as a community and helps allow our students to feel pride in themselves and their school. It sets a standard which supports our expectations of work and behaviour

The uniform policy is available on the website for further reference, but please see the additional guidance below:

School uniform is compulsory for everyone. This excludes the wearing of denims, leisurewear, hoodies or items of clothing with bold designs/slogans etc. On the days when your young person has PE they should come to school wearing the correct PE kit for the weather (see website) – this also excludes the wearing of hoodies or items of clothing with bold designs/slogans etc.

We will be enforcing the school uniform policy and staff will be checking the uniform of all students as they arrive at school. Any students not in the correct uniform will be asked to remove the clothing. If a student refuses to comply with the request a telephone call will be made to their parent/carer inviting them into school to meet with a member of the senior leadership team.

We look forward to your support in ensuring all students wear our school uniform every day.

Kind regards

Tracy Felstead (Headteacher)
