
Fairmead School

Making memories


Primary - Key Stage 1 and 2

Secondary - Key Stage 3 and 4

Sixth form - Key Stage 5

Considering a place at Fairmead School- some guidance

To attend Fairmead School, a young person must have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan in place. You will not be able to consider a place at the school without one.


The admissions system for children with EHC plans is different; you do not go through the normal admissions system.

Part of the process of getting an EHC plan involves getting a 'named' school. This means that you can express a preference for the school you want at the time you first get the EHC plan or when your child moves to a different phase of education.

If your child is currently placed in a school, you can ask for a change of school at an annual review.


When you receive a draft EHC plan, the name of the school in section I will be left blank. You will be asked for your preference of school, which might be mainstream or specialist provision.

You have a right to express a preference for any school in the following categories:

  • Maintained schools (community schools and voluntary-aided or controlled schools).
  • Academies and free schools.
  • Further education colleges.
  • Non-maintained special schools (independent but generally run not-for-profit).
  • Approved independent schools or colleges on the government's 'section 41' list.


The local authority must then consult with your preferred school; that normally involves sending the school a copy of the EHC plan and any associated reports. The school will give an opinion about whether they can meet your child's needs, but the final decision on whether to name a school lies with the local authority.


The local authority must consider your preference as long as it is:

  • Suitable for your child's age, ability, aptitude and special educational needs.
  • Not incompatible with:
    • The efficient education of other children.
    • The efficient use of resources.


As a school we may return a negative consultation for a variety of reasons:

  • Your child doesn't fit the profile of the children that make up our main population, for example in terms of academic learning level.
  • Taking another child would impact on the education of others in the school.
  • Your child has a primary need that is not in line with our main population.


It is the local authority that will inform you of the outcome of the consultation.

The local authority will also seek consultation with other schools in the area that it considers able to meet your child’s needs.


The SENDCo at your child’s school is the best place to seek support with this process.


Further information and guidance can be sought from the Casework Team, contactable through Somerset Direct 0300 123 2224.






